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T-Connection, Nov. 20, 1981
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T-Connection, Nov. 20, 1981, result 1 of 1

Item Details
Available to everyone
T-Connection, Nov. 20, 1981
Work Type
fliers (printed matter)
T Connection
3510 White Plains Rd.
Bronx, New York, New York, United States
dry-transfer letters
markers (drawing instruments)
Rules, frames, photograph
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library
ID Number
K.K. Rockwell (Early Hip Hop Performer, Member of the Funky Four)
Lil Rodney Cee (C) (Hip Hop Performer, Member of the Funky Four Plus One)
Sha-Rock (Hip Hop Performer, Early Female emcee. Member of Funky Four Plus One)
T-Ski (Early Hip Hop performer, DJ with the Erotic Disco Brothers)
Mean Gene (Early Hip Hop DJ, member of The L Brothers, older brother of Grandwizzard Theodore)
Melle Mel (Born Melvin Glover, May 15, 1961, also known as Grandmaster Melle Mel, is an American hip-hop musician — one of the pioneers of old school hip hop as lead rapper and main songwriter for Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five)
Kool Moe Dee (Hip Hop MC prominent in the late 1970s through the early 1990s. Member of the Treacherous Three.)
Electric Force
The Cold Crush Brothers (Hip Hop group, South Bronx (original members: Tony Tone, Charlie Chase, Easy A.D., Kay Gee, Jerry Dee, Grandmaster Caz, DJ Outlaw))
Spoonie Gee (Born Gabriel Jackson, Harlem, NYC. Early rap artist.)
Grandwizzard Theodore and the Fantastic Five (Pioneering Hip Hop group. Originally called "The L Brothers," later called "The Brothers Fantastic.")
Kool DJ AJ (Hip Hop DJ. Played with Busy Bee, Kurtis Blow et al.)
Busy Bee Starski (Early Hip Hop emcee (aka Chiefrocker Starski), b. David Parker in South Bronx, NYC.)
Sequence (American female hip–hop trio from Columbia, South Carolina, formed in 1979. Signed to Sugarhill Records late 1970s-early 1980s. Members: Cheryl Cook, known as "Cheryl The Pearl", Gwendolyn Chisolm, known as "Blondy", and lead singer and rapper Angie Stone, known as Angie B.)
Mean Machine, G.M Flash and Furious 5, Sequence, Sugar Hill Gang and all other well known D.J.s and M.C.s
D.T. M.G. B.J. Productions
Double Trouble a Sure Shot Disco Bash
$5 All Nite
Archival Collection
Breakbeat Lenny Archive
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